East Village: Do a piercing salon, tattoo parlor, and bong shop qualify as the “community facilities” a developer said he’d rent to in return for being allowed to build bigger than code here on St. Marks? Discuss. [Neither More Nor Less]
Elmhurst: A skater boy rescued a newborn baby, umbilical cord intact, from a freezing Dumpster. Troubled young moms, New York law says it’s okay to abandon babies … as long as you leave them somewhere safe and warm where they can be found! [Newsday]
Flatbush: Locals here called in more noise complaints in the second half of 2007 than in any other Brooklyn hood. So does that make Flatbush the borough’s noisiest hood or just full of its noisiest kvetchers? [Ditmas Park Blog via NYDN]
Meatpacking District: The hieroglyphic-strewn site of a seventies after-hours club, now in the shadow of the rising Standard Hotel, may become a combo mini-inn and stem-cell research center, according to its owner, who used to shoot fluids out of his arrow-shaped keyboard at Studio 54. Did you get all that? [Villager via Vanishing New York]
Sunset Park: So, all you people who couldn’t afford Park Slope move to this hood’s northern edge and then try to rename it the South Slope or Greenwood Heights or something fancy like that, eh? Well, this new blog’s gonna keep you fancy-pants honest. [Sunset Park Blob]
Upper East Side: Old folks are walking too fast and taking other dangerous risks to cross the street within the allotted time, which the city should lengthen, a study up here finds. Boy Scouts, get your butts uptown. [Streetsblog]
Upper West Side: Oh my God … look … it’s a new high-rise that … gulp … actually tastefully fits in with all the surrounding prewars. Can this really be happening? [Curbed]
—Tim Murphy