Brooklyn Navy Yard: The Feds have indefinitely delayed plans to tear down ten nineteenth-century houses here in order to build a supermarket. Patina before potatoes! [Brownstoner]
Dumbo: The waterfront Empire Stores warehouse is so decrepit that the park surrounding it has been closed for safety, and everyone’s pointing fingers over who let the Civil War–era pile languish for so long. [Brooklyn Paper via Curbed]
Elmhurst: This no-frills Queens hood isn’t slated to do so well in the real-estate boom, but maybe it’ll fare better than expected with loving testimonials like this: “At sunset, the dirty black bricks of the six-story apartment buildings turn deep red and almost dark pink. At night, it’s peaceful.” Ahhh… [NYDN via Queens Crap]
Greenpoint: The hood’s getting a waterfront park, slated for completion in winter 2009–2010, where WNYC’s transmitter used to be. Hence the fun nickname “Transmitter Park”! [Newyorkshitty]
Prospect Lefferts: It’s not middle-class white people pushing out poorer black people here in this Slope neighbor; it’s, uh, a subtle tension between “the gentrification people” and “the non-gentrification people.” Well put! [NYO]
Upper East Side: The townhouse that’s HQ for the New York Junior League is at the center of an ugly dispute among members over financial mismanagement. Sounds like these ladies who punch should take their cue from First Lady Hillary and channel the wisdom of former NYJLer Eleanor Roosevelt. [NYT via 78thand2nd]
West Village: There are signs that much-wrangled-over Pier 40 may go the way of a nonprofit-owned school and arts center rather than a Vegas-on-the-Hudson entertainment megacomplex. [Downtown Express]