• Jane Fonda’s vocabulary malfunction on NBC’s Today show last week might influence the legal battle between CBS and the FCC over Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction in her 2004 Super Bowl halftime appearance. [Legal Intelligencer]
• New York City criminal-defense lawyer Jeffrey Schwartz receives support for representing the accused murderer of a 7-year-old girl. [NYT]
• Are television shows the reason lawyers get a bad rap? []
• Wall Street prepares itself for more multi-billion-dollar losses: “The fourth quarter was terrible, but you had strong investment banking revenues,” writes analyst Meredith Whitney. “Now you’ve had a bad December, a worse January and an even worse February.” [NYT]
• Oops! Credit Suisse noticed some pricing errors on bonds. The result? The bank’s first-quarter profits will be cut by $1 billion. [Marketbeat/WSJ]
• Prada and Ferragamo are moving ahead with IPO plans despite the floundering stock market. [WWD]
• Was the New York Times a “bit” misleading with its headline about Barack Obama’s drug use? [NYer]
• Employment in the media industry is at a fifteen-year low. [Mixed Media/Portfolio]
• A former People magazine reporter calls for the tabloids to stop harassing Britney Spears, who “might” be suffering from a mental illness. [Mixed Media/Portfolio]