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Fox News Says They Made an ‘Error’ by Showing Pics of Dead Model

Photo: Fox News

A shot by a Fox news camera of Ruslana Korshunova’s bloodied body after the model’s apparent suicide Saturday, which aired last night on Geraldo at Large, was called “gratuitous and exploitative” by the Huffington Post, among others, this morning. Now Fox has backtracked, telling TVNewser the shot was a “producer error” which they “deeply regret.” But wait: Error meaning accident or an error in judgment, which as everyone knows only really becomes a “mistake” after it pisses people off? Fox didn’t say. Very clever. Perhaps they are trying to preserve some deniability. But certainly no one at Fox can claim they didn’t notice that the sheet covering Korshunova’s body had been pulled back. The shot, which lingers on the model’s bloody profile for almost a minute, is accompanied by narration from Geraldo, who says, “This image stands in stark contrast to the fairy-tale image of the famous face and chestnut hair that made her modeling’s next big thing.” No argument there.

FNC EP: “Deeply Regret” Showing Images of Dead Model [TVNewser/Mediabistro]

Earlier: Did New York Kill Ruslana Korshunova?

Fox News Says They Made an ‘Error’ by Showing Pics of Dead Model