neighborhood watch

Cock Loose in Sunset Park

Midtown: An apparently mentally ill guy who chose to live on the streets rather than in his $104-a-month, rent-stabilized apartment in the decaying Windermere on West 57th Street has now lost the apartment in a court ruling. (Note to guy: Uh, we’d have lived there for you and paid you twice the rent!) [NYP]
Kew Gardens: Some folks are reviving the fight to preserve the area’s crumbling “Triumph of Civic Virtue” statue, which has been controversial since its 1922 debut because it shows a “muscular nude male, triumphantly trampling two female sirens.” Offensive! But … a little bit funny, too, right? [NYDN]
Sunset Park: A street-roving rooster was screaming “Cock-a-doodle-doo!” early yesterday morning, terrifying subway-bound commuters. [Brooklynian via Curbed]

South Bronx: SoBro eco-homegirl and MacArthur “genius” grant winner Majora Carter turns the reins of her baby, Sustainable South Bronx, over to a staffer to tend to her own ecoconsulting business and other big projects. [Sustainable South Bronx]
Staten Island: Okay, we know we’re supposed to itemize by hoods, not whole boroughs, but did you know this is the only borough not yet tagged by graffiti artist Clark Clark, who’s doing the “VOTE” thing all over town in the style of the famous seventies “LOVE” sculpture? We thought S.I. was suddenly really hot. [Villager via Gothamist]
Upper West Side: The thirties Art Deco Metro Theater on Broadway between 99th and 100th is for sale and for rent … by someone who doesn’t even own it yet, no less. The façade’s landmarked, but whatever happens to it, it’ll likely not be used as a theater again. [NYT]
Williamsburg: A pretty old church on Kent Street will get transformed into housing, but minus most of the current stained glass and religious iconography. [Newyorkshitty]

Cock Loose in Sunset Park