it just happened

Emily Gould’s Book Sold, Not for $1 Million

Emily GouldPhoto: NYT

The following acquisition was just announced from Free Press, an arm of Simon & Schuster:

AND THE HEART SAYS…”WHATEVER” by Emily Gould, former editor of and author of a recent New York Times Magazine cover article on her life online, has been sold in a pre-empt to Amber Qureshi at Free Press. The book is an honest, searching and wry set of recollections that together weave a picture of what it’s like to be a young person in New York City in the early 2000s. Free Press closed on North American and first serial rights on Friday with agent Melissa Flashman at Trident Media Group. To be published in 2010.

We hear the sale price was much lower than the rumored $1 million. But yes, that proposal was sold. Congrats, Emily! And congrats to agent Melissa! You’ve just earned yourself thousands of new blogger best friends.

Earlier: Emily Gould’s Book Proposal

Emily Gould’s Book Sold, Not for $1 Million