neighborhood watch

Greenpoint Subdivided: Do You Live in Garbagetown or Sewagetown?

Dumbo: Why do gorgeous Deco-and-Modern-era-straddling buildings get no respect if they’re under a damn bridge (even a famous one)? How else do you explain why the city’s landmarks honchos said “Sorry, Charlie” to the 1936 Purchase Building, which is being demolished right now so the property can become part of Brooklyn Bridge Park? [Brownstoner via Curbed]
Greenpoint: Remember that New Yorker cartoon that broke Manhattan up into areas like Moneystan (Upper East Side) and Homostan (Chelsea), or something like that? Now Greenpoint has one! Do you live in Sewagetown, Garbagetown, South Vinyl Siding, or (if you’re a real waterfront swell) the Riviera? [Very Small Array via Newyorkshitty]
Long Island City: A sweatshop that reportedly produced clothes for Macy’s, Banana Republic, and the Gap was busted by state Feds for ignoring minimum-wage laws and paying workers by the piece. Okay, that’s it. We are not shopping at the Gap and Macy’s anymore, no matter how cool they are! [Crain’s New York via Queens Crap]

NoHo: If some people thought the (somewhat beautifully disintegrating, we think) Colonnade Row residences were in bad shape back in 1923, what would they make of them today? [Lost New York City]
SoHo: This picture-filled post is all about Renwick Street, one of those one-block streets in Manhattan (like our favorite, Weehawken!) that often doesn’t ring a bell with people. It’s cool that such streets exist! And this one will soon host…a giant condo named the Renwick. [ForgottenNY]
Upper East Side: White people, have you ever hung out with a really cool, funky, soulful group of people of color and then after not wanted to be white anymore? Yeah? Then you can sympathize with these classic white-brick apartment buildings that are going red-brick. [Fine Company]
Wakefield: Know where it is? The Bronx! And it’s also where Montefiore Medical Center has taken over Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, which was “bleeding” financially. In fact, the lady of mercy herself wouldn’t stop lip-syncing to Fiona Lewis until Montefiore stepped in and begged her to stop. [West Bronx News]

Greenpoint Subdivided: Do You Live in Garbagetown or Sewagetown?