neighborhood watch

Red Hook Residents Already Groaning Over ‘Real World’ Invasion

Red Hook: We can see why people here don’t want The Real World to come to their hood, though it probably will. But why would one guy say he’d rather have another Ikea? Would you really pick two massive Ikeas in the same neighborhood over a temporary MTV colonization? Are we reading too much into a throwaway quotation? [Brooklyn Paper via Gothamist]
Bushwick: Kim Hastreiter, of Paper magazine, we must say we agree with BushwickBK: This anthropological jaunt of yours to Bushwick, in which you use the word “hipster” at least three times (don’t you know that they’re called scruffles now?), makes you sound pretty tired and square. And we’re also a bit ashamed to admit that some sick part of us thrills to the nasty neocon, pro-gentrification instincts of BushwickBK. [PaperMag via BushwickBK]
Chelsea: Good luck to the West 16th Street co-op dwellers who are bucking the creation of a twenty-story condo-hotel right behind them, on West 15th Street. We’re not taking sides, but we’re just saying that the big project has already bought the air rights from the adjacent Catholic school and the community board’s signed off on it, too. [Curbed]

East Village: Neighbors of the bar Heathers, on East 13th Street, are apparently still complaining about the noise level, though the owner, Heather herself, appears to be keeping mum on the issue. Plus, Rosie Mendez will host a rat walk-through of the hood. The Nuyorican actress?! No, moron, the councilwoman! [East Village Podcasts]
Long Island City: It’s hard working in this burgeoning office district when there isn’t even a Burger King or a Wendy’s, says Deborah, a Citigroup staffer on a smoke break outside Court Square One. Come on, Debbie, make some lifestyle changes and live to love your grandchildren. [NYO]
Manhattanville: The owner of Tuck-It-Away Storage, the last big landowner fighting Columbia’s plan to expand over seventeen acres here, says he’ll spend up to $2 million in a judicial battle to the death with the university. That’s a lot of storage space! [NYO]
Rockaways: Eighty thousand “cubic yards of toxin-laden dirt” will be removed from here this fall by 30 trucks a day, even though locals begged for it to be hauled away on a barge. But enviro honchos say that would cost twice the $35 mil slated for the project and would be less safe. Rest easy, local schoolkids: That dirt’ll have sealing foam and a tarp over it if those trucks fall over! [NYDN via Queens Crap]

Red Hook Residents Already Groaning Over ‘Real World’ Invasion