This afternoon, on a lark, we decided to look to see whether there were any recent pictures of Madonna out there looking normal after those weird, terrible shots of her showed up in the Daily Mail one week ago. After all, we’ve been thinking about Madonna’s face a lot lately. And lo and behold, there are pictures of the pop star looking like her regular lovely, zero-fat self — from five days ago. The singer was snapped with Michael Moore in Michigan at a screening of her film I Am Because We Are, a documentary about orphans in Malawi with AIDS.
Now, to be fair, we haven’t checked everywhere, but we haven’t seen these photos on many of the Websites that ran the original pictures, which were often accompanied by questions over Madonna’s health and fitness regimen. And yet these were taken a mere two days after. Clearly, as we suspected, the original bad photos were nothing new: just another round of bad pictures of a celebrity without makeup.
Related: The New New Face [NYM]
Have age and stress launched a shocking attack on Madonna’s face? [Daily Mail]