In his radio talk show today, Bill O’Reilly blew up at some of his usual recent targets, like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. But he also notably excoriated President Bush and his fellow conservative radio hosts, guys with whom most people assume O’Reilly identifies. The entire tape is after the jump, but here are his best lines:
• “Most talk radio is conservative-dominated, ideologue, Kool-Aid–drinking idiots.”
• “It’s Clinton’s fault? Clinton hasn’t been in office in eight years. It’s Bush’s fault!”
• “These [conservative talk] idiots are misleading you, they’re lying to you.”
• “Walk away from these liars, these right-wing liars. They’re not looking out for you.”
• “Barney Frank … disgusting. Pointing fingers. It’s you, you big fat toad!”
• “If they were in this room right now, I’d hit them, Dodd and Frank.”
We might have just shed a tear.