We were a little agog two months ago when we read that Justin Long rebounded from his Drew Barrymore breakup by hooking up with Kirsten Dunst. So it is great relief that we learn today that the two, in fact, never dated. Dunst told the October issue of Harper’s Bazaar that those rumors “are the funniest thing on planet Earth. I don’t know him from Adam. I met him once and he and his friend were kind enough to walk me home. I’ve never seen him since.” Bizarre old-lady expression aside, that clears that up. On her future plans, Kirsten says she won’t always live in NYC. “I want to have kids and a farm with lots of animals on a lake,” she said, presumably brushing her waist-length hair and buttoning her prairie dress.
On her favorite hangout, the Beatrice Inn, she has this to say:
“They keep people out who will write stuff and blog about it. But I’m not going to go there if what I do is written about. I’m very aware. I’m like an eagle eye. I’m not free as a bird (when I’m there) but I love to dance. And I literally have gone up to people and said, ‘Did you just take my picture?’ I have to protect myself.”
Yeah, the Beatrice is great at keeping bloggers out, and reporters from exposing what goes on inside. Still, according to George Gurley, the latest writer to compile a detailed roster of who hangs out there, Kirsten does indeed have a good sense of whom to talk to and whom to avoid — she wouldn’t give the Observer reporter the time of day when he tried to befriend her. Eagle eye indeed!
Kirsten Dunst On Depression, Rumors And Her Favorite Nightclub [HuffPo]