The Fine Living Network is “looking for people who are having a hard time dating in the tri state area” for a new show called Wingman, which sounds kind of like The Pick-up Artist — only more earnest, because it will be helmed by Michael Somerville, otherwise known as Glamour’s “Jake” columnist, who once wrote: “I see every experience as an opportunity to learn, and I don’t mind being wrong because it means I’m growing.” Awr. No, just kidding, retch. Anyway, because they need to find a few sacks sadder than even that, the network has put out a call hoping to find contestants who are basically weird:
One of the people we are looking for is a self proclaimed geek. One who loves going to ComicCon, or dresses up for Harry Potter, or anything unique that somebody might not be familiar with. If this is stopping you from getting a date, or if the people you are dating just dont understand your love, then we want to hear your story.
Scheisse enthusiasts and stalkers, this is your chance!
Seeking Self-Proclaimed Geeks [Reality Wanted]