
Halle Berry Has Taken Responsibility for Her Own Orgasms

Mother Hale, as Nancy Reagan’s guest during Ronald’s 1985 State of the Union Address.

The hot play August: Osage County has offended Jews with its ads sort of joking about Yom Kippur and the whole idea of atonement. Condi ate at Le Perigord, near a table where former Fed chair Paul Volcker ate Dover sole with fourteen powerful global men of finance. Madonna told some guys sitting in the front row of her show at Madison Square Garden to get off their asses to show their appreciation. Halle Berry has taken responsibility for her own orgasms. Robert Wagner had a hard time writing the part in his memoir where Natalie Wood falls off the yacht and drowns. Steven Soderbergh says it doesn’t matter if his four-hour movie Che does well in the U.S. because it will be a smash in Latin America. Cindy Adams is disappointingly placid this morning.

Writer Nicholas Sparks said he wrote The Notebook to get rich (and he did), and also that Stephen King is the greatest writer basically because he’s not too fancy with words. (This is slightly different from what he said when we talked to him about this issue.) J.Lo’s reps are so not happy that Kevin Sessums went and posted that killed, too-revealing Elle profile on Tina Brown’s new Website. (But of course we told you all about that yesterday.) Christian Slater went and got his GED as a grown-up after he sobered up. A book’s coming out that tells you how to get high off legal substances like mushrooms and nuts. Posh Spice puts bird poop on her face to keep her skin nice. Britney plays a sexy waitress, secretary, and sex kitten in her new video.

Halle Berry Has Taken Responsibility for Her Own Orgasms