You’ve waited for this and now it’s finally happening: Howard Stern and Beth Ostrosky marry tonight at Le Cirque at a dinner for 180. Madonna had A-Rod and two of his friends in stitches with her crazy stories over dinner at Dos Caminos the other night, a witness says, but the stars’ reps deny they were there. Tina Fey wanted Salma Hayek to come on 30 Rock so badly that she actually called her herself. Susan Sarandon, 62 tomorrow, wears only fishnets and a feather boa in a new Hollywood pinup book. Paterson and Bloomberg ate together at Enzo’s in the Bronx. Do you get a nice cuddly feeling like we do when you think of Paterson?
Scary Spice and her husband are going to renew their vows in Egypt and sent everyone an eleven-page invitation, but people are scared they’ll be kidnapped if they go. If Anthony Bourdain had a fantasy BBQ, Keith Richards, Ava Gardner, and the CIA head of counterintelligence would all be there. Robert De Niro’s new movie, What Just Happened?, was almost sabotaged by Hollywood insiders for being too Hollywood-insider — until Hollywood insiders saw it and liked it.
CBS News correspondent Lara Logan may be in trouble for taking some photos of Saddam out of Iraq with her, because that may be considered stealing Iraqi art. Sophia Loren, Marion Cotillard, Judi Dench, Kate Hudson, and Fergie surrounded Harvey Weinstein at Cipriani in London the other night, just as if he were the main dude in Nine, the movie he’s producing. (How cool is that art/life interplay thing, right?) Fergie (the Duchess) showed her four different-colored cell phones to Cindy Adams, who sounds pissed off at Geraldo for knocking a martini into her new Prada bag at a party.
Tony Curtis writes that kissing Marilyn for Some Like It Hot was actually really sexy even though he compared it to kissing Hitler back then. Britney Spears has a home office. Rihanna was mistaken for Prince by screaming fans. Jennifer Aniston impersonated George Clooney for Leo DiCaprio at a party at his house. Sam Ronson held the door for Lindsay Lohan, who bought Sam a Red Bull. Heather Locklear dropped and drove over her Gucci sunglasses a couple of times before she was arrested for DUI. Shia LaBeouf has a crush on Diane Sawyer. Mariah may be pregnant. Sharon Stone says it’s not true that she tried to inject her son’s smelly feet with Botox.