In today’s media-layoff world, automobile mags are feeling the burn, Condé jobs are getting less cushy, and niche magazines are bowing out. If you still have a job today, media men and women, we salute you. Here are some people who don’t:
• Online magazine Salon has laid off political writer Walter Shapiro, along with nine of his colleagues. The site’s dwindling staff now has only two writers in its D.C. bureau, and 57 staffers in total. [Politico]
• Condé Nast is cutting back its Town Car use and requiring staffers to pay for their own working lunches and magazine subscriptions. That prestigious-looking accent on the “e” is whimpering. [NYP]
• Eleven former writers at DNR, the 110-year-old Condé title that folded yesterday, have been laid off. [NYP]
• Source Interlink, father to ailing auto mags like Motor Trend and Hot Rod, has fired 150 staffers. [Gawker]
• Outside’s Go, a spinoff of Outside magazine aimed at “affluent men who have a taste for adventurous travel and the means to experience it” has, obviously, folded. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]
See you Monday. We hope!