Fairfield Greenwich founder Walter Noel is trying not to let the fact that his firm lost $7.5 billion dollars put a damper on his holiday spirits, and no one will let him. “Walter Noel showed up at the Round Hill Country Club Xmas party on Sunday (he is a member),” a commenter wrote on DealBreaker the other day. “People were appalled. I mean, come on — at least PRETEND you’re hard at work for your clients, rather than going to a party (strike 1) at your country club (strike 2).” Good idea! Lying really works out for some people. Then today the blog Guest of a Guest shamed Noel after receiving a tip that he was spotted “wearing a James Bond–esque velvet dinner jacket” at a black-tie event this past Tuesday. They were shocked he was out. “What was this confidence man thinking?” they asked. Well, we don’t know the man, but we imagine he was thinking: “My best friend of nineteen years was a sociopathic liar who not only cost me $7.5 billion dollars but also wasted the reputation I’ve spent the past 70-odd years building, everyone thinks I was in on it, and I can’t even talk back because of the ongoing investigation. I need a DRINK.”
Madoff Investor Walter Noel, Bouncing Back (In Style)? [Guest of a Guest]
Madoff Who? [DealBreaker]