Today the Observer has some suggestions of why the New York Post may have endorsed the inexperienced Caroline Kennedy so quickly and giddily for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat. Was it because:
• She helped get News Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch’s kids into school?
• She is like totally besties with News Corp. spokesman Gary Ginsberg, who went to Brown with her late brother JFK Jr.?
• Rupert hates her seemingly most prominent rival for the job, Andrew Cuomo?
• Rupert is a friend and fan of her uncle Ted Kennedy?
• The Post just wanted to be ahead of the game, predicting that she would be the front-runner for the role?
If it’s any of those things, and not because the Post thinks she’s the most qualified for the job, it’s certainly a very vivid reminder: Caroline may not have served in office, but her very Kennedy-ness clearly has some real power.