And you thought your patience was wearing thin yesterday. Last night, Caroline Kennedy reportedly called Governor Paterson to tell him she was out of the running to replace Hillary Clinton in the Senate. At that time, we thought this weird Camelot jousting match was over. But not so! Later that night, at nearly midnight, the Associated Press reported that she was back in contention for the seat. Shortly before that, MSNBC reported that she’d never even pulled out in the first place — a story they replaced around 3 a.m. with a new AP story saying she is out again after all. The Times and the Post, the first to report the drop-out at the beginning, are still running with their original stories — and a statement Caroline released after midnight assured people that she was, indeed, removing her name from consideration.
So, basically, it seems like Caroline is really out, and it appears that indeed it has something to do with her uncle Ted Kennedy’s ailing health. Now we just have to wait and see what she does when the seat comes up for grabs again by election — when she’ll have years to jerk us around instead of just weeks.