the greatest depression

The Dow Fell Way Down Today, But Sarah Jessica Parker Came Forth With a Solution For Our Economic Woes

The Bad News: The Dow Jones slid 297.81 points today to 7552.60.
The Good News: That’s still a hair above its November low!

The Bad News: The S&P 500 dropped 4.6 percent.
The Good News: The dollar strengthened against the euro and the yen!

The Bad News: “Nobody believes it’s going to get better yet,” Howard Silverblatt, senior S&P analyst told the Times. “Do you see that light at the end of the tunnel? Any kind of light? Right now, it’s not there yet.”
The Good News: “How do we address these economic times in a franchise that has a lot to do with luxury and labels?” Sarah Jessica Parker asked Access Hollywood, of the upcoming Sex and the City sequel. “I think we want this one to be a romp,” she said. “The last one, we got to tell a really mature sophisticated story that had real heartbreak in it, and this time, I think we want a romp. We want our audience to have a massive romp.”

Dow Drops Nearly 300 [NYT]
SJP: “We Have to Think About” Making SATC Recession-Friendly [Us]

The Dow Fell Way Down Today, But Sarah Jessica Parker Came Forth With a Solution For Our Economic Woes