The Media Is Giving Politics a Blood Transfusion

Some journalists are giving up objectivity in favor of a paycheck, while others are working on newly launched magazines. Plus, Yahoo is (very) slowly gaining on Google’s lead. All in all, not such a bad day for media.

• Contrary to what Hollywood believes, journalism is no longer a glamorous industry, so journalists are turning to the newest source of glamorous jobs: the Obama administration! Politico has found six journalists who have taken jobs working for the hottest president in half a century. [Politico]

• Mort Zuckerman is hoping that adding more of this cool innovation called color printing to the Daily News will bring in more advertisers. Um, good luck. [Mixed Media/Portfolio]

• Add another Arthur Sulzburger to the New York Times masthead: The 28-year-old son of the paper’s publisher will be working for the City Room blog. [Romenesko]

• Not only has Newsweek closed its London office, the magazine plans to cut circulation by well over one million by 2010. But! Newsweek plans to launch a new magazine in May. [Media Ink/NYP]

• Pay cuts to come at the Scripps chain of newspapers. [Politico]

• Reader’s Digest Association is feeling pretty confident. The organization is launching a home-improvement magazine called Fresh Home at the end of the month. [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]

• Yahoo’s shares are up, Google’s shares are down. [Business Insider via HuffPo]

Vanity Fair scribe Christopher Hitchens totally got beat up by Lebanese thugs while in Beirut. Or maybe not. Anyway, he didn’t technically “die,” but we’re putting him on this list anyway. [Wonkette]

The Media Is Giving Politics a Blood Transfusion