
What’s Your Best of New York?

Last night we had the first round of the New York All Media Bowling League at Leisure Time Lanes. If you’ve never been there, it’s basically like a cheesy-lounge-type club, with bowling lanes, in between bus terminals in an obscure upstairs corner of the Port Authority. While bowling, we observed four things: (1) Everybody in the media is gay, (2) tight shirts will hinder your bowling effectiveness, no matter how fetching they are, (3) there is at least one clean bathroom at the Port Authority, but occasionally police still have to bust people in it, and (4) the D.J. at Leisure Time is surprisingly good. Like, maybe our favorite we’ve heard this year. And he takes requests.

Why do we tell you this now? Because next week we come out with our Best of New York issue. It’ll walk you through everything you need to know when an out-of-town friend asks a question starting with, “Hey, where’s the best … ” (or, when you’re secretly wondering yourself and are too embarrassed to ask). To tide you over (and to see if we need to make any last-minute additions), we’d love it if you could let us know your opinions on six “Best” categories: burger, pizza, bagel, bar, clothing shop, and place to take an out-of-town guest. Please put your suggestions in the comments.


What’s Your Best of New York?