Remember when Jared Kushner told us that no request is too outrageous when it comes to real estate these days? Well, Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez put that to the test recently when trying to get into 15 Central Park West. After he was beat out trying to rent steel magnate Leroy Schecter’s “$40,000-per-month, 3,103-square-foot, 35th-floor, three-bedroom unit,” the Observer reports he was forced to downgrade to the 2,367-square-foot, two-bedroom apartment next door. How embarrassing. The rent on the smaller space was $30,000 a month, and Alex Rodriguez, the highest-paid player in baseball, asked for a discount.
Schecter, who also owns that apartment, sagely declined to offer one.
Meet A-Rod’s Landlord! Why Third Baseman Settled for Second at 15 CPW [NYO]