People are increasingly taking their dogs to doga, a practice that “combines massage and meditation with gentle stretching for dogs and their human partners,” says the Times. The trend, Manhattan doga teacher Kari Harendorf says, has been encouraged by the recession: “Jobs are disappearing,” she said. “Mortgage payments are looming. Change is everywhere, but your dog remains steadfast. So, why not spend time together?” Sure, okay. Spend some time with your dog. Get to know each other’s bodies. What’s wrong with that? ONLY EVERYTHING. No, really, we actually aren’t sure how we feel about this. On the one hand, this woman is clearly sick and depraved. On the other hand, the fact that she retains a job teaching yoga to dogs is a positive sign for the economy. So, it’s a toss-up. What do we care about more? The economy? Or humanity? [NYT]