Earlier this week, Dolce & Gabbana publicist Ali Wise was arrested for breaking into interior designer Nina Freudenberger’s voice mail, both the Post and the Daily News reported this morning. But neither paper gave a reason as to why she would do such a thing. This struck us as odd, and against our better judgment we began to wonder: Had Freudenberger stolen Wise’s boyfriend? Or was Wise like an aural version of a Peeping Tom? Was that even a thing? We decided to ask Wise herself, but she didn’t answer her phone, and a Dolce & Gabbana rep said they had no official comment. So we asked Freudenberger.
“Honestly?” she said when we reached her at her office for her interior-design business, the Cultivated Home. “I have no idea why. I have never met her personally, [and] we don’t have friends in common, really.”
Well, we said, adjusting our monocle. It obviously has to do with a boy.
Freudenberger, who went to the police after figuring out someone had been going through her voice mail and e-mails, and now has a restraining order against Wise, allowed that it was possible Wise’s interest in her had something to do with “someone she’d dated in the past.” But “not Jason Pomeranc!” the Thompson hotel owner, with whom Wise has had, according to multiple items in “Page Six,” a somewhat tempestuous relationship. “Everyone thinks it’s him, but I’ve never met him, either.”
Pomeranc might want to check his phone for bugs, too, however, as it seems Freudenberger might not be the only person Wise has been checking up on. A tipster tells Cityfile that “Wise’s antics go beyond what’s stated” in the complaint, and Freudenberger says she’s received multiple calls and e-mails from people who suspect they, too, have been Wise-cracked.
“I’m just the tip of the iceberg,” she said. Chilling.
Well, we know we’re changing our number. And readers, while we’ve not yet solved this mystery, we can tell you this: If Ali Wise isn’t hacking into your phone, you’re nobody.
Cops: Dolce & Gabbana party planner Ali Wise charged with hacking into socialite’s voice mail [NYDN]