Yesterday Gawker ran what we thought was a hilarious celebrity sighting of Governor Paterson partying away at the Chelsea nightclub Taj. It made us laugh because (1) who knew that place was still open? (2) the very idea of running into Paterson at a club sounds like the most fun ever, and (3) the woman who spotted him, Gawker alum Tionna Smalls, cracked, “He need to get his ass home.” It was all fun and games, until the New York Post caught on to the story. “STATE’S A WRECK? PARTY!” blared their headline. “Gov at club bash amid new di$aster,” read the angry sub-hed. The Post was furious at the affront. “Just hours before delivering news of soaring budget deficits and lagging revenues from the recent millionaire’s tax, the party-hearty Paterson was spotted hobnobbing at a Chelsea hot spot with ‘new BFF’ Russell Simmons,” huffed writer Brendan Scott.
This is blatantly unfair, it seems to us. First of all, everybody is allowed to party when they’re done with work for the day. If Post reporters didn’t do so, Langan’s would immediately go out of business. And Paterson, who used to be known for his partying, is rarely seen out at bars or clubs. The Post points its crooked finger at him and says, “In recent weeks, Page Six spies have spotted him at at least two Hamptons gatherings, including a pool party at Simmons’ house.” We looked up the item — one event was an afternoon barbecue, and the “pool party” was an evening benefit. Hardly evidence of rampant club-hopping.
Also, this is New York State in a dreadful economy. There is terrible news that comes out of Albany every day. You can’t just cherry-pick one particular announcement and make it seem more dire than any others. Lay off Governor Paterson, people! After all, isn’t going out and getting drunk what you’re supposed to do when your job is going down the tubes?