Following on the heels of the Wise-cracking scandal, this morning’s “Page Six” brought news of a second electronic contretemps between blondes of the socialite persuasion. On the face of it, the story was simple: bi-coastal divorcée Jamie Tisch checked her boyfriend Todd Meister’s e-mail “quite by accident” (ha, that happens) and found correspondence between Todd and her New York real-estate broker, Serena Boardman, that was not to her liking. So she broke up with him. But other details included in the item left us with the impression that this was no mere spat between immature adults but a baroque, intricate tale of love and betrayal! For instance: Serena and Todd had been “buddies” for a long time. They went on trips together, and she even set him up with his last girlfriend, Elizabeth Lindemann, this woman he dated before or perhaps after his six-week marriage to Nicky Hilton — and furthermore, Serena’s sister, Samantha, had dated Todd before she had married real-estate tycoon Aby Rosen. Gothic. Also, confusing! So many names! So many relationships! It was like War and Peace, only 10,000 times stupider! In order to better understand this tale should it go forward (so far, none of the parties have agreed to comment, at least on the record), we took the item into the Daily Intel Situation Room and diagrammed the various relationships.