Yesterday we put on our thinking caps and determined the only reason Dolce & Gabanna publicist and alleged serial electronics hacker Ali Wise could have possibly had for tapping into the voice mail of designer Nina Freudenberger, whom she does not know, was a boy, and we were correct. Furthermore, Freudenberger, having apparently decided that secrecy is futile, or at least uninteresting, has given up the identity of their mutual suitor to “Page Six.” He is Downtown Records founder Josh Deutsch.
“I briefly dated him two years after she did, which is our only connection,” Freudenberg says. According to a source: “Ali has basically been targeting people who have been with Jason and her ex-boyfriends.”
Furthermore, the district attorney’s office is apparently looking at five or more other possible victims of Wise-cracking.
“Ali has been harassing my boyfriend and I since November,” one of the alleged victims, who’s gone to the police but requested anonymity, tells Page Six. “I was getting phantom phone calls and losing voice mails. She was also sending e-mails to my boyfriend’s publicist and posting comments about us online. I went so far as to hire a private investigator to figure out what was going on.”
OMG. We don’t mean to brag, but we, too, have “been with” Deutsch. Well, like, we talked to him on the phone this one time for a story. Does that mean we are a target, too? We have been noticing a conspicuous lack of phone calls from Hollywood asking to option our posts, and we haven’t heard anything from Vogue about modeling in a future Belles of the Blogosphere spread. IT MUST BE ALI. Which would be awesome, because clearly, being hacked by Ali Wise is the new hotness and would greatly improve our social stature.
Earlier: The Curious Case of the Hacked Socialite Voice Mails