Young Andrew Giuliani hasn’t had the best year. The recent Duke grad, who was third to bottom of the ladder on the varsity gold team, made headlines first last summer when he sued the school for cutting him from the roster. The 198-page lawsuit accused the Duke coach and Giuliani’s teammates of perpetrating “a bizarre Lord of the Flies scheme” to get him out of the school athletic facilities and to subsequently spoil his life plan of becoming a pro golfer. (Even more embarrassing than hiring a lawyer to get you on a college sports team is to have your mother call up and try to force your way on, which it later turned out also happened in this case.) Eventually, the case was dismissed in May. Then, to top it all off, he didn’t qualify for the U.S. Open this June. Bummer!
But finally, yesterday, Giuliani had a stroke of luck. He won a pro tournament in New Jersey! “This is a big-time first step,” the 23-year-old said. “To win a championship like this for my first pro victory in my home area, it’s just awesome. It’s the culmination of a lot of work I’ve been doing on my game and hopefully, it’s a step onto even greater things in the future.” We think it would have been perfectly fair for him to have simply said: “Screw the haters, I told you I can actually play golf!” Because every single other part of this ongoing saga has certainly made us believe the opposite.