joe wilson's war

Some in White House Not As Magnanimous As Obama

Love him or hate him, you have to appreciate President Obama’s willingness to forgive and forget. From bringing Hillary Clinton into his cabinet after a brutal primary battle to welcoming Joe Lieberman back into the Democratic fold when many in the party were itching for punishment, Obama doesn’t seem one to hold a grudge, if only for pragmatic political purposes. Yesterday was no different. “I’m a big believer that we all make mistakes,” he said, accepting Joe Wilson’s apology for turning his speech to Congress into a town hall. “He apologized quickly and without equivocation, and I’m appreciative of that.” But while Obama stays above the fray, someone close to him is busy losing the moral high ground: an anonymous senior adviser is quoted by Richard Wolffe today calling either the Wilson incident or Wilson himself — it’s not entirely clear — “a pimple on the ass of progress,” which, a Google search shows, is how Secretary of State Alexander Haig referred to the Falkland Islands after they were invaded by Argentina in 1982. Hopefully, the present dispute will end with less bloodshed.

White House Blasts Wilson [Daily Beast]

Some in White House Not As Magnanimous As Obama