
Thrillist Jamaica Junket Sends Partiers to Hospital

This past weekend, Thrillist invited assorted media types to a “Jetmystery” party, the details of which were a surprise — just bring your bags and a passport to the airport on Saturday, and let the dudes behind the newsletter show you a good time. (Disclaimer: Some of your Daily Intel editors were given this tempting offer, but had to decline — we’ve seen Hostel.) The adventurous souls who actually signed on found themselves partying at a nice resort in Jamaica. It was a random crowd, we’re told — mostly new-media types, a few magazine editors not tied down by ethical restrictions, Gideon Yago, the Obama Girl. Fun!

Except for later on Sunday night, when the party moved over to the Sandals resort, which is when things got scary: During the requisite dance party, the rigging on a lighting tower gave out, causing the twenty-foot tower to come crashing down on the revelers below. Six people went to the hospital, one with a fractured collarbone. The Obama Girl got a nasty gash in her forehead (she didn’t need stitches, according to Thrillist’s rep, and “all other injuries were minor”). But others may have been in worse shape. “When they moved the rigging, there was one guy who just didn’t get up,” says our source at the scene. “He had huge splotches of blood on his whites, but he wasn’t bleeding. I assumed it must have been someone else’s blood. To his credit, he was joking with people as he was carried away.” And to Thrillist’s credit, the party was relocated to another venue, so that the night’s survivors might quickly drink away their PTSD.

Thrillist Jamaica Junket Sends Partiers to Hospital