The feud between Governor Paterson and Rupert Murdoch has exploded into all-out warfare of the mind. At The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council earlier this week, Murdoch took a question on bringing about civil discourse and, ironically, answered it by blaming the incompetence of New York’s government on Governor Paterson’s blindness and inability to read Braille. “He doesn’t really know what’s going on,” he said. Murdoch called Paterson to offer his apology yesterday, and it seemed like the whole weird episode was done. But then today Paterson reignited the feud with a metaphorical white-glove slap to Murdoch’s face. A challenge! “I think I would be willing to go on Jeopardy! with Mr. Murdoch anytime,” he told WOR’s John Gambling. Okay, not exactly sure how that addresses the blindness critique, but it’s still a great idea. Why can’t nations, gangs, and socialites settle their differences the same way?
David Paterson, Smarter Than A News Mogul? [Daily Politics/NYDN]