In many ways, the story of Christina Ambers and Angel Rotger sounds like a classic New York fairy tale. Back in 2007, Christina had found phenomenal success as a hand and foot model (New York even called her “the Heidi Klum of foot models”), but was not so lucky in romance. Then she met Angel Rotger, of the Bronx, who was working as a doorman in her building. True to his name, Christina says, Angel was a “sweet, caring man,” and they fell in love. Soon after, he left his wife, married Christina, and came to live with her in the Upper East Side building where he’d once worked, where they planned on living happily ever after. But the neighbors were not so charmed by this Cinderella story in reverse. Some of them have retaliated in very uncouth ways, Christina alleges in her $10 million lawsuit against the board.
“Can you imagine how hard she must have hit him to have caused a contusion?” Ambers asks the Daily News. Ouch. What’s worse than hitting Roger in his moneymaker, though, is that workers at the building have targeted Christina where it hurts: The hands and feet. According to the suit, since Rotger moved in, they’ve been making Christina hail taxis and get packages on her own. We all know what that means. One papercut or stubbed toe, and this story could have a very unhappy ending indeed.
UES gal: I face boot for marrying the help [NYP]
Hand model Christina Ambers sues building for $10M over alleged mistreatment since she wed doorman [NYDN]