Great news, Upper East Siders. The light at the end of the long, dark tunnel that is Gossip Girl’s mid-season hiatus is near. We can’t even imagine what you’ve been doing to sustain yourselves over these many weeks. Have you been crying yourselves to sleep every night, surrounded by headbands and purple bow ties? Have you been wearing tights as pants? Have you been watching this video?
The show (and our patented Reality Index) finally returns next week, so to warm you up for commenting your own pluses and minuses, we’re having another caption contest! Share your caption for the above photo (of Blair and “Elizabeth,” a.k.a. Chuck’s mom) in the comments, and we’ll pick and post the winner and two runners-up Wednesday afternoon. The winner will receive a $50 gift certificate for Gossip Girl cocktails at the Empire Hotel, and, of course, bragging rights. The loser gets Nairtini-ed.