After Eric Massa told the world about the time a naked Rahm Emanuel accosted him in the congressional locker rooms, we had to wonder: “Is there naked deal-making that goes on in D.C., or was that just a fantasy that Eric Massa concocted — which in his mind ended in a playful, ticklish snorkeling expedition?” Initially, that seemed to be the case — but after sliding a few rungs down on the Beltway power ladder, the Washington Post managed to find a group of D.C.“insiders” who like to get naked and sweat together.
There is, apparently, a gang of mid-level lobbyists and bureaucrats who hang out in the big, scorching hot sauna at the Finnish Embassy. (It’s twice as hot as the one at the Swedish embassy). From the Post:
Back scratching does feel good when you are nice and sweaty. But the love fest that is these networking meetings sounds like it goes from fun and sexy, to, well, a little scary, pretty quickly:
This just sounds like the lead up to a porno we absolutely do not want to see.