Andrew Cuomo’s been unofficially in the governor’s race for so long that we probably would have forgotten by now that he hadn’t actually announced it — except for the fact that he very notably hasn’t voiced an opinion on any of the important issues facing the state so far. So while we don’t take particularly seriously Fredric Dicker’s prediction in the Post that Cuomo will announce his candidacy at a high-profile fund-raiser in Manhattan next week (campaign announcements are meant to be symbolic and meaningful. While his ability to raise money might be a cornerstone of his campaign, we doubt Cuomo wants it to be the centerpiece), we did take note of his informed predictions about how the announcement will go down when it does actually come. According to Dicker, who is extremely plugged-in up in Albany, the declaration “is expected to be short on clichés and long on newsmaking specifics, addressing the state’s widespread financial, economic, and corruption problems without resorting to what one Democratic activist called ‘the normal political pabulum.’” It will be “grim,” according to a source, “but also hopeful, with a pledge not to raise taxes and a vow to slash runaway spending and borrowing. He’s going to say, ‘Yes, we’re in the sh - - - er, but dysfunction is not OK. It must be brought to an end.” Well, specifics would be good, but that description sounds pretty much like “pabulum” to us. At least according to the definition we just looked up, because we’ve never known what that word meant, ever.