secretary of awesome

Hillary Clinton Is Jealous of Tim Geithner’s Hair

When Hillary Clinton goes to China, she doesn’t just pester its leaders about revaluing the yuan or women’s rights. In an effort to engage the Chinese people and show them America’s friendly side, she also goes on talk shows like the one hosted by “China’s Oprah,” Chen Luyu, which is watched by 65 million freaking people, and chats about personal, humanizing things. When Hillary was on the show a couple of days ago with Tim Geithner, she talked about watching movies with Bill (she closes her eyes during violent scenes, he falls asleep during her rom-coms), nagging Chelsea, and living at the White House. And because these interviews are so much more lighthearted than the ones Hillary usually sits through in America, we learn some things about our secretary of State as well. When Luyu showed Hillary and Geithner a photo of the two of them together, we found out that Hillary is driven insane by the Treasury Secretary’s apparently amazing yet effortless hair.

QUESTION: What were you talking about?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I think I was complimenting him on his hair.


We can just imagine Hillary’s next hair appointment: “Give me the Geithner.”

But Hillary … 

I said do it!”

Interview With Chen Luyu of Phoenix TV [US Department of State]

Hillary Clinton Is Jealous of Tim Geithner’s Hair