21 questions

Jane Krakowski Has an Eye Mask the Color of Donald Trump’s Hair

Name: Jane Krakowski
Age: 41
Neighborhood: Downtown Manhattan
Occupation: Actor/Singer. Has a new live album, The Laziest Gal in Town, which she recently released at a party sponsored by Tupperware, with proceeds from the night benefiting the Boys & Girls Club of America.

Who’s your favorite New Yorker, living or dead, real or fictional?
My mom and dad.

What’s the best meal you’ve eaten in New York?
Anything cooked by my fiancé.

In one sentence, what do you actually do all day in your job?
I count my lucky stars.

What was your first job in New York?
I was Supergirl in an Underoos commercial. My co-star, Superboy, has apparently left the business.

What’s the last thing you saw on Broadway?
A candy store.

Do you give money to panhandlers?
Only if they’ll make change.

What’s your drink?
The one with the lipstick on the rim.

How often do you prepare your own meals?
I don’t understand this question.

What’s your favorite medication?
Whatever Tina Fey is taking.

What’s hanging above your sofa?
Probably a spiderweb.

How much is too much to spend on a haircut?
Alec Baldwin cuts mine for free.

When’s bedtime?
Later than it should be.

Which do you prefer, the old Times Square or the new Times Square?
See the question above about what I last saw on Broadway.

What do you think of Donald Trump?
I only think about him at bedtime — because I have a favorite eye mask that’s the exact colors of his hair.

What do you hate most about living in New York?
Slow walkers.

Who is your mortal enemy?
A makeup artist who asks, “Late night last night?” — when I’ve had eight hours of sleep.

When’s the last time you drove a car?

How has the Wall Street crash affected you?
Well, I’m not selling my apartment anytime soon — unless you know someone from Moscow who needs an extra closet.

Times, Post, or Daily News?
All three.

Where do you go to be alone?
My summer house. In the winter.

What makes someone a New Yorker?

Jane Krakowski Has an Eye Mask the Color of Donald Trump’s Hair