Things didn’t work out too well for Caroline Kennedy’s bid for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, and frankly, it had a lot to do with her being a Kennedy and the perception that she felt entitled to the seat because of her last name. But maybe that was only because she was seeking an appointment, which didn’t require the consent and approval of voters. Surely New York doesn’t have anything personal against the Kennedys, or against political dynasties in general (if they did, explain Andrew Cuomo). That’s what Kerry Kennedy the daughter of former New York senator Robert F. Kennedy is hoping, at least. “Elective office is one of many ways to serve the community and the country. It’s one that I would consider at some point,” she tells The Wall Street Journal. Alas, it sounds like she won’t do so while Cuomo, her ex-husband, is still in office, thus depriving New York of what could be the weirdest, most fraught relationship between two politicians in its history.
Politics as Usual? [WSJ]