Now, we know when you’re the president you have to cram a lot of things into your weekends. Unlike the rest of us on vacation, who go straight from the airport to the hotel to flop down in the air conditioning to check if there is an SVU on that we haven’t yet seen, Obama has to get right on top of things. Since arriving today in the megacharming coastal enclave of Bar Harbor, Maine, he’s already enjoyed an ice-cream cone and set off on a hike of Cadillac Mountain (the first place on the East Coast where the sun hits, and the site of former First Daughter Jenna Bush’s engagement almost exactly three years ago). But still: no shorts? In other photos, it doesn’t even look like he is wearing sneakers. (Unless they are black “dress sneakers,” which are not only things that actually exist but are also things that happen to frequently be worn by the same men who wear pleated khakis).
Side note: Don’t you wish you were in Maine right now? I sure do.