la vida lohan

Lindsay Lohan Sprung From Jail

Remember this scene, above? That’s Paris Hilton emerging from jail on June 26, 2007. It was the middle of the night, she wore no makeup, and to the applause of throngs of paparazzi and (clearly demented) fans, she ran to her mother and received a tearful hug. In a strange way, it might have been the most pretty the young woman has ever looked.

This is not the scene that occurred at 1:35 a.m. this morning outside of the Century Regional Detention Facility near Los Angeles, California, when fellow party princess Lindsay Lohan was released from her own fourteen-day prison stay. What’s the difference? Well, for one thing, Lohan was quietly transported not to freedom, but rather to a court-mandated 90-day rehabilitation facility. The other difference is a little more simple: When Paris Hilton emerged from prison, she could be pretty confident that her life could only go uphill from there.

Lindsay Lohan Flees Jail, Heads Directly to Rehab [Uberblog/E!]

Lindsay Lohan Sprung From Jail