Nancy Pelosi thinks there should be an investigation into who is funding the opposition to building Park51, but Howard Dean thinks the mosque should be moved. When he’s not helping to define the opposition’s take on the mosque, Dr. Richard Land works on behalf of United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, promoting religious freedom overseas. The Post worries that money from Iran will fund the mosque, but the Daily News says the State Department says Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is not allowed to raise funds overseas. George W. Bush chooses not to step up to his title as defender of Muslim rights. And more Americans disapprove of Obama’s comments on the mosque, if they even know where he stands on it at all. What, did you think you were allowed to think about something else?
Calling the mosque an “urban development decision” for New Yorkers to work through, Nancy Pelosi sent out a statement asking for transparency from the opposition:
Howard Dean, who called the mosque “an affront” to people who lost their lives, thinks Park51 should compromise and move:
The audiotape didn’t pick this up, but we imagine there was a muffled, “But, you know, not like real Americans with all the freedom of religion and everything.”
The Daily News talks to the State Department about limitations on Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s trip to the Middle East:
The Post hints at how the mosque possibly, maybe, might provoke a terrorist act or nuclear war:
Dr. Richard Land doesn’t see any contradiction between working for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom and helping to orchestrate the opposition’s take on the mosque:
Noting that he was “always careful to reiterate his support for religious freedom for Muslim-Americans,” liberals hoped that George W. Bush would stand up as a Republican voice of reason. But his spokesman told TPM, “President Bush has no comment.”
Gallup has 37 percent of Americans disapproving of President Obama’s position on the mosque, and 20 percent approving, which is interesting considering that post-flip-flop we’re not exactly sure what his position is.
So who started this controversy that the world feels the need to weigh in on? Reality-show contestant Francisco Patino, who helped scout the location:
Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC mosque opposition [Washington Times]
Howard Dean Says Cordoba House Should Be Built Somewhere Else [TPM DC]
Iran cash might fund Ground Zero mosque [NYP]
No fund-raising for Ground Zero mosque on U.S. dime [NYDN]
George Bush Stays Out Of ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ Fray [TPM DC]
More Disapprove Than Approve of Obama Mosque Remarks [Gallup]
Reality TV finalist steered developer to mosque site near Ground Zero [NYDN]