After last week’s awful act of violence, cab driver Ahmed Sharif has been struggling. A taxi-union representative said Sharif can’t even bring himself to talk about Michael Enright, the 21-year-old who allegedly cut his throat in the incident.
“Ahmed is a strong man, but mentally he has limits,” said Bhairavi Desai of the New York Taxi Workers Alliance. “The trauma he’s experienced will last for a long time.”
Desai said Sharif’s biggest concern at the moment is figuring out how he’s going to support his wife and four children without a job. He’s receiving two-thirds of his salary (about $30,000 annually) in worker’s compensation, but without any health insurance or disability payments. And Sharif won’t be able to return to work for “at least four months,” Desai said (“He can’t turn his neck”). Despite holding a press conference Friday announcing a fund for the family and asking for donations, they have not exactly been deluged with support. “We’re pretty shocked that it’s been such a low amount,” Desai said.
Stabbed cabbie out of work, worries about feeding family [CNN]