This is probably not to the first time head-stomping Rand Paul supporter Tim Profitt has been misunderstood. People probably think Profitt, who until yesterday ran the Senate candidate’s campaign in Bourbon County, is a little off his rocker for supporting a candidate who waxes nostalgic for segregated lunch counters. They probably misspell his name with one “t.” So Profitt was in familiar territory when the world misunderstood that video of him and the head of 23-year-old volunteer Lauren Valle outside the debates on Monday night. Yesterday afternoon Valle told reporters she was a regular anti-Paul demonstrator and that the men, who recognized her, were chasing her around Paul’s car just before the attack. Profitt claims Valle rushed Paul’s car three times to get a picture of the candidate with her fake award from “RepubliCorp” and refused to stop. “Profitt explained that he used his foot to try and keep her down because he can’t bend over because of back problems,” says local CBS affiliate WKYT. That is the worst — when back problems force you to mete out justice with your shoe. He told the station, “I think she was there for a reason … And that was hurt Rand Paul,” adding, “if she can hear this … All I was trying to do was hold her until police could get her.”
But neither side comes out clean. The Drudge Report points to a second incident at the same debate when a Jack Conway supporter apparently stepped on the foot of a Rand Paul supporter who recently had foot surgery and was wearing a surgical boot. The unidentified woman claims her incision was cut open and is filing an assault charge. Thank you, Kentucky, for forcing us to ponder deep etymological questions like the difference between a step and a stomp.
Stomping suspect says his actions were misunderstood; now faces charges [WKYT via Daily Beast]
Tensions flare offstage in Paul/Conway Senate debate [KY Post via Drudge]