Women (and sex-manual enthusiasts) of Mongolia: Cosmo has arrived. The Hearst magazine will sell its first Mongolian edition this week, marking its 61st version edited and printed overseas and third in Asia. Chief executive of Hearst Magazines International Duncan Edwards says he knew Mongolia’s fun, fearless females were ready for Cosmo when he learned that Louis Vuitton had already moved into the capital. You know what that means: There’s money! “It is relatively small in terms of population, but a country that has the potential to grow dramatically in terms of its wealth over the next few years,” Edwards told the New York Times Media Decoder blog.
So for just 7,000 million Mongolian tugriks a copy (that’s $6.50 in weak recession-era American dollars), readers will get pieces on the magazine’s figurehead, Helen Gurley Brown, and on its history as a women’s-rights advocate. And, if it’s anything like its American big sister this month: “Products That Should Never, Ever, Get Near Your Girl Parts.” [Media Decoder/NYT]