Though luxury gym-chain owner David Barton and beloved club promoter Susanne Bartsch have reportedly separated after fifteen years of marriage, the two reunited in the name of the holidays on Friday at their 10th Annual Toy Drive, held inside David Barton Gym’s Astor Place location. Barton and Bartsch didn’t chat each other up too much — or chat with reporters about their allegedly defunct relationship — but they both seemed to be in good spirits, and they posed for photos together (with a couple of people in between them). As the party began, Bartsch, 59, got onstage and greeted everyone: “Merry Fucking Christmas!” And then performers dressed as monkeys lip-synched “Total Eclipse of the Heart,” naturally.
Marc Jacobs, mingling with drag queens and other gymgoers at the party, was slightly less excited about the holidays: “I don’t really celebrate Hanukkah, and I don’t really celebrate Christmas,” he told us. But, “I like doing this toy drive, I mean if it were a Hanukkah toy drive I’d do it, or a Christmas toy drive I’d do it.” Since we were surrounded by gym equipment, we asked if he’s had any embarrassing gym moments. “Maybe in the beginning I felt embarrassed about going to the gym, but I got over it.” (Sometimes it seems like Marc Jacobs got over everything, and that’s why we love him.) Meanwhile, Richie Rich, who used to be Susanne Bartsch’s assistant, informed us that he is a card-carrying David Barton Gym member, and he had some gym etiquette advice: “When you take a shower and the other guy is staring at you and then he rips the shower curtain open, just throw soap at them or take shampoo.” Noted.
Of course, we were all gathered in the name of charity: “It’s a great thing to give a toy to someone who doesn’t know who gave it, that’s real giving,” David Barton explained to us. “The season is really about wanting stuff. So it sounds corny but this is real giving because it’s anonymous. I mean, it’s kind of great.” Awww! That said, he still offered to write us a doctor’s note in order to get us out of our Crunch membership.