billionaires they're just like us

When It Comes to His Bridge Game, Warren Buffett Can Be a Little Flaky

The Oracle of Omaha can be ballsy. But when it comes to bridge — a game so scary to him, he claims, “If I’m playing bridge and a naked woman walks by, I don’t even see her” — the man simply loses his nerve. “He told Sharon Osberg, his bridge partner of twenty years, to withdraw them from a championship match because it was too stressful,” the Post reports, citing this Saturday’s WSJ. Magazine. The bridge match gave him one of those anxiety spells where you can’t even cancel on everybody yourself, so you beg a friend to do it for you: “Buffett told Osberg: ‘Tell them I have a business emergency. Tell them anything!’” Awwww. [Page Six/NYP]

When It Comes to His Bridge Game, Warren Buffett Can Be a Little Flaky