Meet your newest random celebrity pairing: Sarah Hughes, the former Olympic figure skater who beat Michelle Kwan to win the gold medal in 2002, and Andrew Giuliani, the child of the former mayor who most recently made the news for his failed lawsuit against Duke University after he was kicked off the golf team. At the party celebrating the launch of their friend Johnny Weir’s autobiography at 230 Fifth, the new couple confirmed to Intel that they are indeed an item. “We’ve only been dating awhile, but we’ve known each other years and years,” Hughes said. “We’ve tried to figure out how long we’ve known each other,” Giuliani added. “We’re not sure.”
Because they’ve been friends for so long, rumors spread that they dated in 2005, when they were photographed at the premiere of The Island together, though at the time they were just friends. “We went to a movie premiere. I had an invitation, and I didn’t want to go by myself, so I invited him,” Hughes said. “And then it was surprise! Paparazzi.” This time though, it’s for real. And just in time for Rudy Giuliani to ponder another Republican primary run for the presidency! An Olympic gold medalist, the perfect addition to the family portrait. Watch out, Sarah Hughes: Bristol Palin’s gonna have you in her crosshairs…