Haley Barbour is working overtime to clean up his act in advance of a prospective 2012 presidential run. Just days after saying he wouldn’t take sides over a planned controversial measure to issue Mississippi license plates to honor Confederate general and former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest, Mississippi governor Haley Barbour has backpedaled. He now says he’ll veto any legislation passed to make it a law. “The bureaucracy denied it, the legislature won’t pass it and if the legislature passes it, it won’t become law because I won’t sign it,” said Barbour Monday. Barbour had previously refused to denounce the proposal — put forth by the Mississippi Sons of Confederate Veterans — claiming, “I don’t go around denouncing people.” Even if those people are former KKK leaders.
Haley Barbour says he’d veto Mississippi bill to establish Klu Klux Klan license plate [Politico]