In a chat with the Indianapolis Star editorial board, Indiana governor and serious budget-minded person Mitch Daniels sounded sometimes like he might run for president (“We’re starting to run out of time,” he said, referring to the national debt) and sometimes like he might not (“Odds are I’ll wind up supporting one of [the Republican candidates for president], so I’ve got nothing but good things to say about them”). One thing is clear, though: He has already come up with the best campaign slogan ever:
In fact, in recent days the talk has seemed to center more around the political sideshow led by Donald Trump, who has renewed questions about whether Obama is a U.S. citizen. That, among other things, led Time magazine columnist Joe Klein to beg Daniels to get into the race, calling the rest of the GOP field a “freak show.”
Asked about that portrayal of the Republican choices, Daniels laughed.
We shed a tear of happiness just thinking about spotting “Mitch Daniels: At Least He’s Not a Freak” on a bumper sticker a few months from now.
Daeniels’ presidential run would take on big issues [Indy Star]