what the huck?

Mike Huckabee Not Running, Maybe, According to Some People

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson lit up the Twitter moments ago when he declared: “Mike Huckabee is out. He won’t be running for President.” His basis for such a bombshell — Huckabee has as good a shot as anyone to win the nomination if he runs, so it will be huge news if/when he decides not to run — turns out to be a report from the South Carolina political blog Process Story, which reports:

We’ve been told that former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee, a rumored candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, is giving his former S.C. supporters the nod to seek work on other presidential campaigns. The word is that he’s told South Carolina staffers that they have his blessing for them to peddle their wares elsewhere.

But this report was refuted on another South Carolina political blog, FITS News (which you may recognize because its editor claimed to have had some sexy time with South Carolina governor Nikki Haley). FITS News spoke to Hogan Gidley, the executive director of Huckabee’s PAC:

Reached by phone on Wednesday afternoon, Gidley told FITS that rumors about Huckabee pulling out of the race were “cateogrically false.” He then added that there was “absolutely zero truth” to reports that Huckabee was releasing his South Carolina team.

To sum up, as of this moment, Huckabee’s status is still “annoyingly indecisive.” And Erickson’s status is “overeager tweeter.”

What The Huckabee Is Happening In SC? [FITS News]
Huckabee releasing S.C. team [Process Story]

Mike Huckabee Not Running, Maybe, According to Some People